Come out of the cool, maybe rainy weather and into our warm shop! Get ahead of the spring cleaning, grab those old parts and memorabilia, and sell/swap them with other enthusiasts. Of course we are partial to PORSCHE items, however anything automobile is welcome! Bodymotion will provide a spot for you to throw down a blanket or set up a table to display your items. To join the day, give us a call or send us an e-mail to frontdesk@bodymotion.com and send us a list of what you are bringing! We will upload the lists as we get them daily to a “swap meet items” link so folks can see what will be there! Of course Bodymotion will have quite a few items, look for the link to “go live” on our website. If you have a van, wagon, or trailer load, we will have parking in our lot for folks “selling/swapping “spots as available. There is almost no cost to this, please bring non-perishable food items for the food bank of Monmouth County. Refreshments will be provided by the Jersey Shore Porsche Club. Any questions, reach out to Gary at 732 – 493 – 2700. See you on the 10th!
21 Cindy Lane. Ocean Twp, NJ 07712